How Do I Write a Great Call to Action?
Andrew Rusnak Andrew Rusnak

How Do I Write a Great Call to Action?

“Buy now!” “Contact us today!” “Subscribe!”

All of these are examples of calls to action, also known as CTAs. You use a call to action in digital content to, well, encourage someone to take action, but what makes a great call to action?

I mean, look, the above examples are fine. They’re simple and clear, and they use plain language that focuses the intent on someone taking an action that you want. But these aren’t really “great” calls to action, at least not on their own. So, you may be asking yourself, “How do I write a great call to action?”

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How I Got Started in Content Marketing
Andrew Rusnak Andrew Rusnak

How I Got Started in Content Marketing

In our latest video podcast, Charlotte Content Marketing Founder Andrew Rusnak shares his story of transitioning from the television industry to content marketing.

He recounts the things that led him to the digital marketing field, and he also shares tips and guidance for people who are considering a career in content marketing.

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All About Owned Media, Earned Media, and Paid Media
Andrew Rusnak Andrew Rusnak

All About Owned Media, Earned Media, and Paid Media

In our latest video podcast episode, Charlotte Content Marketing Founder Andrew Rusnak discusses content distribution through owned, earned, and paid media.

He also lays out some use cases for each type of content strategy, providing examples of how you can use each type of media individually and in combination to form a content distribution strategy.

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Should You Use Reddit in Your Content Marketing Strategy?
Andrew Rusnak Andrew Rusnak

Should You Use Reddit in Your Content Marketing Strategy?

With the rise of generative AI, many business owners wonder: “Should you use Reddit in your content marketing strategy?” At Charlotte Content Marketing, we believe you absolutely should use Reddit in your content marketing strategy because people crave authentic content from real humans. With so much AI-generated junk content floating around on the web, branded content on sites like Reddit can set your business apart and create authentic connections with consumers.

In this post, we’ll explore:

  • How Reddit can benefit your content marketing efforts

  • Why Reddit and user-generated content (UGC) sites are more important than ever for SEO

  • What steps you can take to get the most from using Reddit in your content marketing strategy

We’ll also cover how to use Reddit to improve your SEO efforts and provide helpful ideas for using Reddit in your content marketing strategy. By the time you’re through, you’ll better understand how Reddit works, why Reddit can be an essential part of your content marketing strategy, and how you can use Reddit to generate more substantial customer relationships.

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LiveStreaming as a Form of Content Marketing
Andrew Rusnak Andrew Rusnak

LiveStreaming as a Form of Content Marketing

Part of what makes live video so powerful is the personal connection it offers. When you realize that what you’re watching is happening in real-time, there’s a sense of belonging that puts you in the moment right alongside those on-screen.

Like with all things related to media and content, people want to relate to other people. This is one of the reasons why so many brands are turning away from AI-generated content these days. It’s just not the same when a machine tries to emulate human interaction, and your customers crave authenticity.

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