Newsletters & Email Marketing

Newsletters are your brand’s ongoing connection with your customers, but they also provide a link to your prospects and leads. Frequent newsletters and email marketing containing valuable content open up more sales channels and speak for your brand 24 hours a day.

person reading newsletter on phone while using a laptop

What’s So Special About Newsletters?

Newsletters provide an excellent way to share content, and the marketing potential of newsletters cannot be overstated. Simply put, newsletters are a perfect opportunity for down-funnel marketing because readers are already leads.

Someone who signs up for your brand’s newsletter is interested in your products and services and how your brand does business. This gives you a unique opportunity to use content to market to people who are more likely to convert – all you need is a Charlotte content marketing partner on your side to give that nudge!

smiling man reading on a smartphone

Our Newsletter & Email Marketing Services

At Charlotte Content Marketing, we provide more than just content – we can help you find the key topics most likely to drive sales, increase engagement, and build brand loyalty. No matter what your brand represents, we handle market research to zero in on the concepts that matter most to your customers, leads, and prospects in the Charlotte NC area.

We can also help you save time and money by planning out content calendars, strategizing newsletter campaigns to support brand initiatives, and writing engaging email content customized to the voice of your industry and customers. Our team also understands how to integrate newsletter content into other marketing campaign efforts so that you maximize your marketing spend while getting the most compelling, quality content.

What Makes a Great Newsletter?

Writing a newsletter is easy, right? After all, you type up a few paragraphs and hit send. However, while this approach may seem easy, the truth is that content strategy and writing for newsletters is far more involved if you want to convert.

Below are some vital components you need to consider to make a fabulous newsletter:


You could go on and on about your brand and its story, but the reality is that people are pressed for time, and attention spans are shrinking. So when writing a newsletter, you want to keep things short, simple, and to the point.

Evergreen and Topical Content

Each newsletter should also contain a mix of topical content and evergreen content. The evergreen content serves to educate, while the topical content serves to inform and entertain. Your Charlotte NC brand can use both types of content to establish and reaffirm brand authority, generate interest, convert prospects to leads, and encourage sharing.

Exclusive Content

Although your newsletter can be used to create campaign content to be featured elsewhere in your content marketing strategy, you want to provide unique, exclusive content in your newsletters that can’t be found anywhere else. This gives a reason to sign up for your newsletter and encourages fans to share it with others.

Calls to Action

Your newsletter is all about driving business. Therefore, each newsletter needs to contain at least one call to action, if not several. These should dovetail perfectly with sales, new product releases, free trial offers, and other points that demand action.

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